Friday, May 14, 2010

Lots of running - and a change of plans

What else ? Been down south in Denmark for a while, but still getting the quality in. Lots of hills down there, so this varies my training nicely.

The week to 8/5 was 145 km (avg pace 4:21, avg econ 636bpk ), but that included two long runs, so the average for the previous 2 weeks was ~121km. Highlights were a 15km session including 6x1km reps at 3:11 pace on Tuesday evening and a 12km tempo run @ 3:38pace on Thursday evening, plus a lovely 33km long run in Denmark from the house down to Ocean Beach and back, and then up the Inlet and back for 13km with Sas.

This week the highlights have been a good 20minute Mona session (5.6km) along the Wilson Inlet in Denmark, and an improvement on last weeks tempo, this time averaging 3:37 for the 12km and feeling much stronger at the end. Looking at 120km this week too with a 32km long run tomorrow - (avg pace week to date 4:14, econ 622bpk ).

Racing plans have changed a bit  - I'm no longer doing Challenge because I'm going to be away, so the sub-35 will have to wait. So, I'll race Run for a Reason if I can get a decent start, and the next race will be Elleker HM. I've hooked up with Biscuitman and SimonE to run the Perth Marathon Relay - shelving plans to do it as a long run - I'll be doing the first two legs which is about 23.4km. So next target 10k will either be Run for Gold or the State 10k.

1 comment:

Clown said...

Great stuff, training is sensational.

You guys have a great team for the relay, must be a good chance of a win or at the very least a podium finish.

Got to say I love the Mona Fartlek session.