Saturday, August 29, 2009

Looking to the C2S 12k

Did a couple of easy runs, 9k yesterday at 4:39 HR 138 and 5k today at 4:46 HR 141 (?!). Todays was a bit of a taper run (as in, seemed a little hard for what it was) - I guess it was cold and I just rolled out of bed and did it without even having a cup of tea.

Looking forward to tomorrow, the weathers going to be great, the atmosphere electric and looking for some good performances from fellow bloggers ; I hope you all have a great day. They say you should have three targets, so here are mine - 44, 43, 42  depending on how good a day it is. I really just want to have fun.... too bad we won't be done in time to watch the marathon come in. I plan to be at the finish though when epi rolls in for his 2:xx:xx, easy as you like ....

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